Didn't find anything breaking-wise to post today- daily reviews of Central States and MetroRegion newspaper Web sites didn't reveal much of interest.
Listening to an Internet scanner feed of the big wildfires northwest of Denver CO and a few comments on some stuff I DID see/hear today...
- Tropical Storm Hermine came inland near Brownsville TX early this morning- now the remnant low pressure area is in the Hill Country west of Austin.
Hermine is laying down a wet carpet from the Gulf northward into Oklahoma today- all that will move slowly northward over the next 24-36 hours and be in Metro and MetroRegion kansas City by Thursday- bringing us some needed but possibly excessive rainfalls.
- Lew Perkins finally left K.U. today and I was hoping the door didn't whack his arse on the way out of the building.
- KC-MO Clowncilperson Cathy 'Um' Jolly announced today she won't be seeking re-election to anything when her term expires in April 2011- the same door-thing for her too.
- A time-transplant from the Old West would feel right at home in Metro Kansas City with all the murderin' goin on.
- There's a clown dressed in a God gown who wants to burn copies of the Quran- the Muslims' Holy book.
This Fred Phelps wanna-be- Pastor Terry Jones with the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville FL needs a long sermon on Loving Thy Neighbor- Turning Cheeks- etc.. This also goes for those who would prohibit that so-called mosque in lower Manhattan New York. Direct some of that outrage to something constructive- use your collective imaginations if there's any left.
- Heh- calling the NEW Paseo bridge the Bond bridge. That'll go over like that re-naming of the Grandview Triangle.
This is Harry Truman Town- we don't name ANYTHING significant for career-polly Republicrats.
- Speaking of the Republicrats/Tea Partiers- the TeeVee talking heads say the Bricks will knock-out the Bracks in the November election.
Oh really? Wasn't it THEM that got us to where we're at economically in the first place?
I did find the fatal flapdoodle on I-35 of reasonable interest this a.m. Scanner was of no use, alas, as JoCo services have all fled to 700 Megahertz :P
Have you priced those things--700 meg scanners? Yikes!
The Observer
Have I priced the new scanners?
LOL- not only priced them- but HAD to buy one.
In fact- will eventually have to replace most of these 16 scanners if I plan to stay in business- thanx to the Feds jacking with/selling the radio freqs..
Not all that happy with this BCD396T either- the 700mhz comms are broken up-not clear many times.
The Feds did this in the name of "security."
I wasn't aware ANY of the 9-11 terrorists- or any other terror act against the UCSA in the past 20 years had police scanners on them.
Also- for the most part- state and local agenies are on their own dime to switch to this rebanded mess the Feds brought on.
KC-MO is spending around $30-mil for a new radio system that replaces the OLD 800mhz system the pollys (lied as usual) said would last for MANY years.
It lasted about 15 years- half the life of the older VHF freqs...
Progress? Heh!
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