Sunday, January 20, 2013

Here's An Idea- Drug Test Kansas (ALL) Politicians

Everyday it seems- the politicians in Backwards Kansas comes up with a hare-brained scheme...

This time- it's a proposal to drug-test welfare recipients.

Seeing all the totally whacked-out legislation coming from the Kansas Ruling Class- it is my fervent belief that we should be drug AND alcohol-testing Kansas (and ALL) politicians.

Wooden Deck Collapse Injures 4 Women in Kansas City KS

According to paramedic and police reports- four women were injured early Sunday when the outside wooden deck they were on collapsed.

The incident occurred about 12:55 am in the 8200 block of Splitlog.

Paramedic reports to the University of Kansas Medical Center said the deck fell about 10 feet after it collapsed.

A "29-year-old female" had serious to critical injuries.

The other three- ages reported as "23- 24 and 25-year-olds- had lesser-serious injuries.

Folks- if you own or rent a property with a wooden outdoor deck- and it's been awhile since the support system had been closely examined- now is the time to do so.

Tornado Strikes Monroe LA With Confirmed Injuries

The tornado struck around noon on Easter Sunday. There is considerable damage repo rted in that northeastern Louisiana city of around 5000...