An expenditure for tens of millions of dollars seems to be flying just under the local news media's radar- this spending is for a "new" public safety radio system.
This replaces the "new" yet reportedly "antiquated" 800mhz trunking radio system that the taxpayers spent an estimated $40-million just last decade.
More than $30-million will be needed for the replacement.
The reason for this?
The federal government has "sold" portions of the 800mhz PUBLIC radio spectrum to private corporations and all the governmental agencies that piled onto this spectrum in the 1990's have to move to the 700mhz band.
Yet I don't see ANY Federal money helping those agencies nationwide make the switch. The costs I've heard bandied around for a new KC-MO radio system is around $10-million.
If this is a Federal mandate- why aren't Federal dollars being used for this conversion- rather than cities- already strapped for funds in other areas?
Why isn't the electronic news media keeping a better eye on the FCC? Why isn't ANY news media keeping a closer eye on the federal government?
Maybe that's the reason we're in the mess we're in....