Here's an aside to today's Congressional "hearings" regarding British Petroleum's (BP) trashing of the Gulf of Mexico shoreline by their well blowout.
Believe this or don't- Republicrat Representative Joe Barton of Texas apologized to BP's Tony Hayward for the way Haywood was treated by certain Americans- specifically President Obama.
Here- you can watch it yourself courtesy of CBS News.
I've lived in Texas- I visit Texas often- there are many friends and damn good people in Texas.
How the HELL did some of your brethren elect the likes of Joe Barton and do ya think ya-all might DO something about that?
President Obama's DEMAND for an escrow account- the $20-billion that BP must set aside- was the start of what I hope are a series of right things being done about this continuing ecological disaster.
Joe Barton's "apology" was sheer political bullshit- and ANY American trying to play politics with the worst ecological disaster in American history should at very least have his head examined.
At very best- voters should replace the likes of Joe Barton at the earliest possible election.