The following images are courtesy of KSHB NBC Action News41's Web site of Saturday night's rolling disturbances in the upscale Plaza area:

Here too are screen captures of the various news media reports:



KMBC (video report only):

WDAF (Story from Friday):

Note that in virtually EVERY story of the disturbances- NO mention is made as to describe the predominate race of the youths that were in the Plaza and causing the problems.
Also note on the story sites where it's allowed- comments from the other citizens who were in and around the Plaza when these disturbances were taking place.
Wish just a little I'd been here in the News Center listening and taking my own notes on the incidents- but I don't get paid for this and one needs some time off to get their own cookies together.
1 comment:
"Note that in virtually EVERY story of the disturbances- NO mention is made as to describe the predominate race of the youths that were in the Plaza and causing the problems."
That's because the liberal media tries to downplay black crime. Now, if hundreds of white kids did this, the Star would probably have written an editorial bashing Johnson County.
Of course, the race of these thugs was evident even without the Star explicitly stating it. Young whites are capable of gathering without robbing people, attacking people, destroying property, and fighting. On the other hand, whenever young blacks gather, whether it is in Africa, Haiti, or the US, trouble is guaranteed to follow.
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