Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Addendum on S.C. Nuke Waste Transport Route

s noted on our previous post regarding South Carolina's planned December (through spring 2010) transport of it's 15000 (55-gallon-drum?) barrels of depleted uranium waste to a site in Utah- here's a map graphic (click-on to enlarge) showing proposed routings of UCSA's uranium wastes.

These routes were proposed in 2006 (as shown on the graphic) for the also proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive storage facility.

Note how most of this lethal crap from the eastern 2/3 of the country winds up going through Chicago-Omaha/Council Bluffs-Cheyenne-WY and west.

But also note the busy secondary feeder to the Omaha route west: right through Kansas City.


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