You may disagree with me on this- but I think this country OWES Caroline that New York Senate seat Hillary Clinton is vacating.
If nothing else- because Caroline lost her father who was serving his country- again mind you.

If Caroline wants to serve the citizens of New York in this manner- I say more power to her and the seat SHOULD be offered to John F. Kennedy's lone surviving child.
Gotta disagree with on this one. Elected office should never be seen as a reward. The job is too important. Getting power based on birthright is the farthest you can get from a democracy.
Too much Hennesey & egg nog Mark- what was I thinking?
I plum fergot that in America- political office goes to the deepest pockets.
And THAT'S the furthest you can get from a democracy!
A Great Day to you and yours tomorrow and always BTW...
Merry Christmas Groucho,
I actually wrote something about deepest pockets too but then deleted it. Great minds think alike?
Considering our wonderful city council just repealed the campaign contribution limits now more than ever it's council seat to the highest bidder.
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