Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Double Killing in East Kansas City MO Brings 2012 Homicides Count to 19

The homicides keep piling up...

Around 3:20 p.m. this warm Tuesday afternoon- police responded to a house in the 2600 block of Cypress on a reported shooting.

On-scene- police report one person dead- and another person nearly so.

The person nearly so was described by KCFD-EMS as "an approximately 20-year-old male" who had "a gunshot wound to the head."

Fire and EMS personnel were doing CPR on that person enroute to a Metro hospital.

The young man died at that hospital not long after his arrival.

Police later confirmed that the dead person found in a car at the address was a young adult female who had "a domestic relationship" with the deceased 20-year-old male.

Investigators won't and/or can't yet confirm who shot the other- then turned the gun on themselves in this apparent murder-suicide.

Three children three-years-old or less remained uninjured in the car's backseat when the ordeal took place that ended both parent's lives.

CSW offers our condolences to the friends and families of both deceased- and pray the children in the backseat have no lasting memories of those few minutes of Hell....

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