According to the LAWRENCE (KS) JOURNAL-WORLD newspaper- the woman killed by random gunfire on northbound U.S. 71 and 59th Street late Friday night was a Lawrence resident who was returning from a show at Starlight Theater.

This incident was first reported here at CSW early this morning.
The LJ-W reports the victim was "46-year-old Deanna Lieber" who was driving the gold-colored Dodge Durango. Inside the Durango was Lieber's 13-year-old daughter (also slightly injured) and mother-in law who was not hurt.
This I can tell you: KC-MO police were stretched thin all morning after this shooting. Metro (where the shooting happened) and Center Zone patrol divisions reported several "black-outs" or no officers to respond to calls.
Even MAST-EMS had to call outside agencies (twice) to help out in the City.
I wonder how many drunks the stationary sobriety checkpoints nabbed while out-of-town visitors were being killed on KC-MO streets?
Maybe the Chamber of Commerce can pony-up for a few more cops on the streets....
1 comment:
Here's the thing with DUI checkpoints. They're funded with federal grant money. So it's use it or lose it. You cannot spend money on anything but DUI enforcement with that grant money.
I know people piss and moan, but you don't get it. If they're not doing DUI enforcement, those cops would not be at work that night. Their time and OT, and wear and tear on vehicles etc... is all grant money. So it's not like this takes away from police on the streets.
And besides, DUIs kill just as many people as guns. When that kid from Mission Hills mowed down the bicyclist on Ward Parkway, nobody said, "Hey, why are the cops looking for shooters instead of doing DUI enforcement?!"
Half the hit and runs in this town, if not more, are probably due to some drunk. A drunk guy mowed down a homeless guy on 39th and Broadway or 39th and Main or whatever and was stopped a few blocks later. He got charged with DUI.
So you can't have it both ways.
Adding a billion cops won't stop shootings. DC and Denver have about the same number of residents. DC has like 5 times as many cops and 8 times as many murders. So how do you explain that?
There's obviously a lot more at work here.
The moral of the story is stay the hell out of the East side of town from 6 pm to 8 am. Seriously I don't know how else you keep your family safe. It's bedlam.
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