Friday, August 08, 2008

Plaza Owner - Highwoods Properties - Banning - Suing

The Friday morning KANSAS CITY STAR has an interesting story.

It's about how a Kansas City man- William Royster- who was having a "business meeting" at the Plaza's "Kona Grill."

Royster ends up not only being "banned" from the restaurant- but banned "from the entire Plaza for life"- reportedly over some remark a member of Royster's party made to another patron.

The man is suing the restaurant as well as the Plaza property managers- Highwoods Properties.

Someone PLEASE explain to me how they can ban someone from the "public" streets & sidewalks of the Plaza?
Also in that STAR article- Highwoods Properties has other Plaza issues.

Longtime local Function Junction is closing their Plaza store. Highwoods has also sued 2 other businesses for back rent.

The Uno Chicago Grill- owing in the neighborhood of $90000- and Eternity- a woman's boutique- who owes nearly $25000.

Folks- if you think the tightening economy is bad for business NOW- wait until Christmas. Methinks you ain't seen nuttin' yet....



Anonymous said...

As you point out, obviously Highwoods can't ban someone from a public sidewalk. All they can do is ban him from the businesses that sit on Highwoods property. They cant ban him from walking around on the sidewalks. Sounds like he was being a little melodramatic?

Anonymous said...

the guy left his credit card with the joint and then they claimed he didn't pay his dinner bill.

sounded like the restaurant and highwoods way over-reacted.

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