Sunday, June 10, 2012

CSW WEATHER: Severe Storm Watch No. 370 Until 11 PM- KS-MO-IA-NE

A Severe Thunderstorm Watch Number 370 has been issued by the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) for parts of the Kansas City MetroRegion- but as of this post- does NOT include Metro Kansas City...

The watch includes St. Joseph and Maryville among other NW MO cities and towns- as well as Atchison- Lawrence- Oskaloosa- Topeka- Ottawa- Emporia and Garnett on the KS side.

Storms have already fired-up in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa- along a cool front that stretches from NW Iowa- the NW tip of Missouri- into south-central Kansas.

It appears that if any storms affect Metro KC- they will occur sometime after 10 pm this Sunday night....

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Tornado Strikes Monroe LA With Confirmed Injuries

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