Monday, December 14, 2009

Oklahoma Story: Why Cheaper Utility COSTS Don't Translate To Cheaper Utility RATES

hile we've heard lately from the news media that prices for natural gas has FALLEN- we hear only in quick snippets cases where the natural gas service providers have increased the rates to customers.

This story- from The TULSA (OK) WORLD- tells of how Oklahomans will see an almost $4 per month increase in their base gas bills.

This is the base story when citizens conserve things. The companies providing the product being conserved make less money since people aren't using as much of said product- and raise the company's rates to compensate- Catch 22 for the 2nd time today (see unemployment post by Ms. Rittenhouse).

At least gasoline prices seem to be responding- albeit slowly- to dropping oil prices ($69.50 a barrel- down $0.37 today as of this post)....


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