Like radio common-tater Rush Loudmouth- it appears Washington D.C. Republicrats also want President Barrack Obama to fail.
Seems to me very few Republicrats voted against giving failed banks and brokerage houses around ONE TRILLION American taxpayer dollars.

Even most Demublicans went along with the Republicrats passing the Billionaire Bailout as we po' folk call it- but at least the Dems trundle up some plan that (more) directly benefits We The People.
But SNAP!- now it's time for the American Public to DIRECTLY reap a few benefits of government largess and Washington Republicrats rise en-masse trying to defeat the plan.
It's pretty damn clear to me and other Americans that the Republicrats are playing politics in a time of extreme stress on virtually every citizen. And SHAME ON YOU John Mc Cain!!
Sure- the plan isn't perfect- but seems some would wait and wait and wait until the country literally went bankrupt before offering any alternatives.
I would politely remind such Republicrats that America is in a crisis we've not seen since The Great Depression of the 1930's.
Obstructionist Republicrats better get the f@!&$ out of their tired political plays and get to work and help solve this financial mess that they and/or their predecessors are responsible for..
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