Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Captain Offers Kansas City-MO Government Tip For Saving Fuel

One good savings would be to quit having emergency vehicles driving all the way across the city for training purposes.

Yesterday- I spied these KC-MO Fire companies at the decrepit old Bannister Mall. The chief told me they were "drilling" or doing simulated rescues.

Among the companies there were Truck-5- from Station 18 near Linwood & Indiana in Midtown.
But the prize for longest-distance travelled was Pumper 44- no photo of them- for they arrived just as I was leaving.

Pumper 44 is stationed on Barry Road west of I-29- an at least 20 mile one-way trip for 44's.

Aren't there other places closer to Station 44 or- for that matter- Station 18- for those companies to drill?

Why are we wasting expensive Diesel fuel and wear & tear on expensive fire trucks for training sessions on the other side of town?

Inquiring taxpayers wanna know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And when 44s area gets a call, or more likely, busy 18s area gets a call, which pumper to truck has to haul ass across town to cover their district?

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