Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Rayville MO: A Town In Turmoil

ocated less than 10 miles northwest of Ray County seat Richmond is the small town of Rayville.

Rayville City Hall and the town $7000 police car- unused and with a flat tire.
(Photo courtesy of The RICHMOND (MO) DAILY NEWS)

The citizens are so fed up with the present elected officials- that a petition has been started to dis-incorporate the 500-or-so person community- reports The RICHMOND (MO) DAILY NEWS.


Anonymous said...

The villiage of Rayville is a 200 or less person community. I find it interesting that the Pastor of that church calls himself a plain Jane Presbytery. The church belongs to no Presbytery session and has actually been dismissed from one for inappropriate behavior. He is less interested in following the books then most former council people because he refuses to follow nusance ordinances as does the other member of his church that presides on council. His church has been identified by other notable reformed churches. They refuse to acknowledge it as a church and have identified the pastor as a false teacher. His current membership involves two other families besides his own. Nearly thirty families have attended the church or been members and have left. In the ten years he has been present in this villiage, he has failed to grow a church due to his tyranical ways. He makes even a poor cult leader. True, we have our problems in this town. People sometimes don't get along with ohter people. But this man has been on a war path for a long time. Anyone who crosses him wrong can tell you, he is set on revenge.

Anonymous said...

This blog hits the nail on the head, but does not tell the whole story. It is true that the citizens of our town are fed up with the current council. There are lies being told to the newspaper by the "church" members, there is fighting, backstabbing and general discord. This is due primarily to the illegal placement of a current board member who was invited to a closed special meeting by the so called preacher of the so-called church. The "preacher" knew this was going to be an illegal appointment, as you cannot appoint a board member in a closed session. The "preacher" knew it was against the Sunshine Laws because he has served a council member, mayor and clerk of our village in the past. Furthermore he has spent the last four years cramming the Sunshine Laws down the former council's throats, telling them on a regular basis that they were breaking this one or that one. This illegal board member is a member of the "church", which means the "church" has the majority vote on our board of trustees, which I am sure was the "preacher's" goal in the first place. There has been absolutley nothing accomplished by the current council, including removal of the illegal board member. People of this small village have every right to be fed up! I am, and I am for the disincorporation of the village, as I am tired of paying my hard earned tax dollars out with no return. It is sad that so called church people who profess to be Christians can't do the right thing and follow the law...both of the state and of the village. Anpnymous is correct in that the "preacher" and his illegal board member are both currently breaking the nuisance ordinance in our village by having farm animals inside the city limits. And you should see the "church"...it is in total dissarray. The siding is rotten and it is a sad sight, to be a House of the Lord! The "preacher", even though he has never been forced to prove he is a preacher receives all the benefits as in not having to pay taxes, does not work a regular job and lives off of hand outs. I am so frustrated with this situation that I can not see straight! The fact is these issues were not problems until this "preacher" and his group started infiltrating our little village and I don't see things getting any better until they are gone.

e taylor said...

i love this town i have been here over 40 years...the police car was council approved and we had an officer hired he just got a better job...the car could have been used for other tasks because the village owns it they just need to get on it and use it....the cult member is just mad cause we didnt give into them and they couldnt do anything they wanted to do when we were on the council because we didnt cave into their threats...and it made them mad so they are out for revenge...the leader of that mad house needs to just cut his losses and leave our town alone...the village shouldnt be dissolved because if it is the post office would leave and the people that run it dont deserve that...the people need to find a way to get rid of the real probelm and that is that so called church..not the town....we need to work together to take our town back not give in to these outsiders!!!!! the present council knows nothing about running a goverment body, all they know how to do is bull there way thru things they think this will all go away but they better think again cause they will have to pay the piper.....

Devin Lara said...

I like living here, I like the people that I am friends with here. All the Turmoil in this town, like the cop car... We had a police officer when the town bought the car. As far as this town being a Village, Whats the Point?? As a Village - Nothing gets done. Our roads don't get plowed until 3 days after it snows.
It wouldn't be any different if it went back to the County -- We just wouldn't have the fighting anymore. What do our Village taxes go to anyway?? I guess if we could see that something was being done it would be different. The ONLY thing that has been done that I can see as a Village, is when we had a dogcatcher/ City Maintence worker. But now they say the city can't afford to pay him.. So where is all of our tax dollars going? As far as the dog's go Ray County say's we can shoot them.
I'm ALL FOR IT going back to the county.

Sharon King said...

I live in the samll the village of Rayville. I am a lifelong resident, as well as my mother and father, grandmother and grandfather before me. I want the illegal board member removed from our board of trustees. I want everyone to know that the board members from the "church" lie to get votes. The illegal board member has told lies about our city clerk, as well as the "preacher" has told lies and slandered myself numerous times.

The "preacher" has at one time or another brought upwards to 30 families into our small community, all of which have left. One such family had to be removed by the health department of Ray county as they were being housed in a small garage with no facilities. This family had animals...turkeys, geese, and dogs in a camper shell in 100 degree weather. They also had goats with no shelter available to them. Why is it that the "preacher" convinces people to come here and they leave shortly thereafter???????? Could it e that they see his true motives after they arrive????????

I truly believe that something needs to be done to remove this group from our otherwise peaceful community, and we can begin by getting them off our board!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In no way will this town ever be peaceful with the people that live here. No matter whom is on the council, there is always going to be trouble. The Village of Rayville should go back to the RAY COUNTY, and everyone should mind their own damn business. Live and let Live.

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