You people in Larryville keep your heads on straight while celebrating on Mass Street tonight (there's already been reports of several people getting hurt)- and Jayhawks- play with IFF (Intensity- Fire & Focus) Monday night in San Antone.
Covering MetroRegion Kansas City, Missouri and The American Central States ...
FIRST in Kansas City with Breaking News - Weather and Commentary.
*** A Kansas-born, Missouri and world-bred "Social Libertarian." Fighting the battle of the people's rights: To know vs. the government's tendency to conceal.
Truth- Justice- and- well- you-know-the-rest ***
No word yet if the driver of the pickup was at the scene and/or if any arrests were made.
A number of deputies from the county seat- Warrensburg- were said to be enroute and my shift ended before I could get much more info on this (I know- some journalist- huh?).
The 4 victims were taken to 3 area trauma centers in serious to critical condition.
No injuries reported and it took about 30 minutes to put the fire out. Arson is suspected.
The tornado struck around noon on Easter Sunday. There is considerable damage repo rted in that northeastern Louisiana city of around 5000...