The following are the latest reservoir readings on the upper Missouri River- taken on Saturday morning- June 25.
The key to the project parameters listed can be found on this previous CSW post on daily USACE project readings.
Covering MetroRegion Kansas City, Missouri and The American Central States ...
FIRST in Kansas City with Breaking News - Weather and Commentary.
*** A Kansas-born, Missouri and world-bred "Social Libertarian." Fighting the battle of the people's rights: To know vs. the government's tendency to conceal.
Truth- Justice- and- well- you-know-the-rest ***
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Nuclear Commission Chief To Visit Flood-Threatened Nebraska Reactor Sites
On Sunday- the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission head Gregory Jaczko is coming to Nebraska.
Jaczko is scheduled to first visit the Cooper nuclear power plant near Brownville- then on Monday visit the Fort Calhoun nuclear facility near Blair- according to Omaha TV station KETV-7.
The Fort Calhoun plant is in a full shutdown- but the Cooper reactor is working full steam.Both nuclear plants have been and continue to be threatened by the flooded Missouri River.
Early Saturday morning- 2 to 4 inches with some locally higher amounts of rain fell in a band from eastern Nebraska west of Omaha into southern Iowa.
Jaczko is scheduled to first visit the Cooper nuclear power plant near Brownville- then on Monday visit the Fort Calhoun nuclear facility near Blair- according to Omaha TV station KETV-7.
The Fort Calhoun plant is in a full shutdown- but the Cooper reactor is working full steam.Both nuclear plants have been and continue to be threatened by the flooded Missouri River.
Early Saturday morning- 2 to 4 inches with some locally higher amounts of rain fell in a band from eastern Nebraska west of Omaha into southern Iowa.
Man Critically-Injured in KC-MO Northland Shooting
The call came in to KC-MO emergency services at 1:45 a.m. Saturday morning- a shooting had occurred at a gas station/snack shop near M-210 and North Eldon Avenue- near the Ameristar Casino.
When police arrived at the "Pour Boys" station at 8801 Northeast Birmingham Road- they found a "25-year-old male" who had been shot in his left side.
The victim was rushed to a Northland medical trauma center.
Police were seeking a possible suspect vehicle: "a light blue Ford Taurus" that was occupied by "2 black males" who "left eastbound on (M-) 210."
Friday, June 24, 2011
Missouri River Flood of 2011 - How Metro Kansas City Businesses Will Fare
Today's KANSAS CITY BUSINESS JOURNAL has a good story on how businesses in flood-prone areas are being affected by waves of high water on the Missouri River.
Right now- there's no weather-model sign of the Muddy Mo getting as high as it did in 1993- but the river will remain abnormally high into autumn with a fairly active weather pattern going into early summer.
Resigned Alaskan Governor Has A Movie Out
I'm sure you know who I'm talking about...
Anyway- that resigned former governor of America's largest (in land area) state won't leave the American Public alone.
The woman has now used her FAUX millions to produce a movie- and the premiere is in an Iowa town soon- according to this AP story via the MANHATTAN (KS) MERCURY.
The story has the audacity to further tell us where ELSE this film will be showing- threatening Metro Kansas City in it's small list of screens.
Missouri River Flood of 2011- Upper Missouri Reservoir Readings for June 24
The following are the latest reservoir readings on the upper Missouri River- taken on Friday morning- June 24.
The key to the project parameters listed can be found on this previous CSW post on daily USACE project readings.
MetroRegion Kansas City News: Topeka Apartment Fire Kills 1- Another Critically Injured
A fire late Thursday night in Topeka sent 2 occupants of an apartment to a hospital where one of them died of their injuries.
A 2nd occupant of that apartment was "critically-injured-" according to the story from the TOPEKA (KS) CAPITAL-JOURNAL.
An unspecified number of animals were also killed in the fire- which is under investigation by fire and police.
A 2nd occupant of that apartment was "critically-injured-" according to the story from the TOPEKA (KS) CAPITAL-JOURNAL.
An unspecified number of animals were also killed in the fire- which is under investigation by fire and police.
CSW Weather: Severe Storms Possible This Weekend Over Metro- MetroRegion Kansas City
The weekend is here and with that- the increased chance for thunderstorms and a slight chance for some severe storms.
That "slight" risk for severe weather will affect the Central States through Monday- and Metro Kansas City later today/tonight and Saturday.
The risk of tornadoes during the forecast periods are low.
Come Monday- the SPC forecasts for severe storms shifts northeast and east- but northern and eastern portions of the Kansas City MetroRegion are still outlooked for some severe storms.
Of future interest is the HPC forecast risk areas for excessive rainfall.
Saturday's forecast has those areas to our north and northeast in northern- northeastern MO and southern Iowa.
Of perhaps greater concern for the ongoing Missouri River flooding is that areas of central South Dakota- right in the middle of the 6 Pick-Sloan dams and reservoirs- are forecast for possible excessive rainfalls both Saturday and Sunday.
IF this forecast should verify- it is likely that reservoir releases from at least the lower Pick-Sloan dams could again be increased beyond the 160-165000 cfs readings of yesterday (Thursday).
Please refer to the daily reservoir readings that are posted daily here at CSW until the threat of Missouri River flooding lessens.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Aerial Videos Show Thousands Of Missouri Farm Acreage Under Floodwater
Today's break of the Missouri River levee near Fortescue MO puts hundreds if not thousands of more acres of rich farmland out of production- a threatens more small towns.
Today's videos by barnesrealty show railroad tracks that were raised just last week under water- along with roadways and other infrastructure.
The last video shows the town of Craig in northwestern Holt county- the amount of traffic going through the town as many major roadways close nearby and the way that the town has managed to not yet get flooded.
More People Evacuated in North Dakota Flooding
Water releases from dams upstream of Minot North Dakota (ND) continue unabated- and have actually increased.
The evacuation order for around 11000 Minot residents has been expanded to include thousands more in that north-central ND city of around 40000.
New flood crest forecasts call for the Souris- or Mouse River as it's called in Minot- to rise more than 10 feet above the current reading.
That's more than 6 feet above Minot's all-time worst flood in the 19th Century (1881).
In Burlington ND- about 10 miles northwest of Minot- virtually that entire town- or "everyone east of the railroad tracks (see red line-markings on graphic)" have been ordered to evacuate due to the rising water.
CSW BREAKING: Another Missouri River Levee Break in Northwest Missouri
This time a levee near the tiny Holt County MO community of Fortescue has been breeched.
The National Weather Service office in Pleasant Hill (NWS-EAX) issued a Flash Flood Warning within the past hour because of this levee break- which threatens to cutoff even more roadways northwest of St. Joseph and has forced even more evacuations of area residents.
Additionally- more rain is forecast beginning Friday (tomorrow)- and will continue off and on through the weekend into early next week.
CSW COMMENTARY: Let's Put Horrible Pictures on EVERYTHING That Can Kill You
Recently- there's further Kool-Aid talk for putting graphic pictures on cirgarette packages.
Why stop there fellow Americans?
Let's install photos on the dashboard of every new car what people look like after a crash where they weren't wearing seatbelts- texting- speeding- etc..
On every bag of fattening fast food- images of morbidly obese people.
Signs of mangled victims trying to cross streets- freeways- etc, where there aren't crosswalks.
I could go on with this all day- I THINK you get the point.
In other words- politicians- GET TO WORK on getting Americans back to work- getting the economy straightened out- health care- etc.- etc.- etc..
Quit wasting our time with silly crap like this!
Central States News: Joplin Tornado Death Toll Rises To 156
As the good people of Joplin continue the daunting cleanup after the May 22 EF-5 tornado. those suffering injuries from the maelstrom continue to die.
Eighty-two-year-old Grace Marie Saunders passed away Monday.
Mrs. Saunders had been recovering from a previous surgery at St. John's Medical Center when the tornado struck that facility- according to the SPRINGFIELD (MO) NEWS-LEADER.
Mrs. Saunders died of further injuries suffered in the tornado.
Eighty-two-year-old Grace Marie Saunders passed away Monday.
Mrs. Saunders had been recovering from a previous surgery at St. John's Medical Center when the tornado struck that facility- according to the SPRINGFIELD (MO) NEWS-LEADER.
Mrs. Saunders died of further injuries suffered in the tornado.
Missouri River Flood of 2011- Upper Missouri Reservoir Readings for June 23
After a couple of days' break- more rain is forecast to fall in the lower to upper Missouri River basin over the next 5 days.
You can see by the graphic of forecasted rains that the heaviest rainfall is right on the Missouri River in central South Dakota- those areas that were hit last week with rainfalls of around half a foot.
Compare Missouri River reservoir readings today from last week that releases from the Pick-Sloan dams have increased- putting even more strain on downstream levees and dikes.
Those restraint systems must hold back high water for AT LEAST another 45 to 60 days- not even considering further heavy rain or increased reservoir releases.
It's why I'm watching all the local AND upstream activity like a hawk!
The following are the latest reservoir readings on the upper Missouri River- taken on Thursday morning- June 23.
The key to the project parameters listed can be found on this previous CSW post on daily USACE project readings.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Minot ND Evacuates in Face of Historic Flood
Joplin MO is just a few thousand people larger than Minot ND- but both cities will grimly remember 2011 for the devastation caused by weather.
Just hours ago- city warning sirens sounded in Minot- as the Souris (pronounced SOOris) River starts pouring over hastily-raised levees.
The Souris or "Mouse River" as it is called in North Dakota begins in Canada and flows back into Canada.
It was emergency releases from Canadian dams that has brought the real threat of a historic flood to Minot.
The maximum crest- at least 2 feet above the all-time high set in 1881- is not expected until late this weekend.
Therefore- around 10000 of Minot's 40000 residents that are in the flood-prone part of that north-central North Dakota city were advised/ordered to be evacuated when the sirens sounded.
You can also log into the KXMC-KXMD live UStream coverage of the flooding of Minot can be found HERE.
Missouri River Flood of 2011- Upper Missouri Reservoir Readings for June 22
The following are the latest reservoir readings on the upper Missouri River- taken on Wednesday morning- June 22.
The key to the project parameters listed can be found on this previous CSW post on daily USACE project readings.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
CSW BREAKING: Fire Equipment Pours Into Downtown KC-MO
At 8:30 p.m.- there's the report of a fire- with a possible victim "hanging out of the 3rd floor" of a building at 1103 Grand downtown.
A "high-rise response" alarm was sounded minutes later- and 12 KC-MO fire companies are converging on the fire.
At 8:40 p.m.- a victim was being carried down to the ground- "conscious and breathing" according to rescuers.
The fire sounds to be under control so far...
A "high-rise response" alarm was sounded minutes later- and 12 KC-MO fire companies are converging on the fire.
At 8:40 p.m.- a victim was being carried down to the ground- "conscious and breathing" according to rescuers.
The fire sounds to be under control so far...
Central States NEWS: One-Quarter of Minot ND Evacuated in Face of Record Flooding
Not JUST a record flood at level 1863- but far above the record flood that this north-central North Dakota city ever faced back in 1881 when the Souris River reached a flood level of 1558.
At least 10000 people- a quarter of Minot's total population- has been told to evacuate the city because the Souris River is set to pour over raised- make-shift levees surrounding the town- according to the MINOT (ND) DAILY NEWS.
CSW BREAKING: Passenger Aircraft With Mechanical Emergency Headed For K.C.I. Airport
An airplane with 53 crew and passengers aboard have declared an in-flight emergency and are headed for a landing at Kansas City International airport.
The emergency was declared at around 10:20 a.m. Tuesday morning when the pilot of the plane- a "CRJ-" said they were experiencing problem with the aircraft's "flaps."
At 10:36 a.m.- the aircraft had landed safely.
Missouri River Flood of 2011- Upper Missouri Reservoir Readings for June 21
More heavy rain fell yeterday on the Missouri River basin in South Dakota- but wasn't expected to cause any dramatic rises on the river or any of the Pick-Sloan reservoirs.
The following are the latest reservoir readings on the upper Missouri River- taken on Tuesday morning- June 21.
The key to the project parameters listed can be found on this previous CSW post on daily USACE project readings.
The following are the latest reservoir readings on the upper Missouri River- taken on Tuesday morning- June 21.
The key to the project parameters listed can be found on this previous CSW post on daily USACE project readings.
Monday, June 20, 2011
CSW BREAKING: Tornado Watch No. 528 Valid Until 3 a.m. Tuesday Includes Metro Kansas City
The impressive line of thunderstorms- nearly 400 miles long from Nebraska to Oklahoma- is beginning to accelerate eastward now- and the Storm Prediction Center has issued a new tornado watch (TW).
Embedded tornadoes in line cells and strong- straightline storm winds are the greatest threat.
TW- 528 includes K.C. MetroRegion areas of all of eastern Kansas and Missouri- from Joplin all the way to the Iowa border north of Kirksville until the wee hours of Tuesday morning says the SPC..
The Pleasanton- Fort Scott KS area as well as Nevada MO are included in this watch.
You might secure outdoor objects- and be prepared for falling trees/tree limbs and power lines when the storms hit the Metro around 11 p.m.
CSW WEATHER: Line of Severe Storms- Tornado Watch- Continues West of Metro Kansas City
A squall line of severe thunderstorms continues from extreme southern Nebraska- across Kansas into northern Oklahoma.
On the visible satellite- the storms here and near the spinning low pressure center in southwestern Nebraska exhibit symmetry and beauty- the line like a string of pearls.
On radar- the darker reds indicate the intensity of the storms in the line- which is moving slowly eastward while storms in the line race north-northeast.
A number of counties in northwestern KS and southwest through south NE are under flash flood or flood warnings due to heavy rainfalls.
While Metro Kansas City isn't in any severe storm or tornado watch yet- I expect that to change at least to a severe thunderstorm watch issuance in the next several hours.
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