Kara is STILL missing- last seen at Belton High School May 4- 2007.

Kara's family still holds out hope that Kara will return someday- you can read the heart-wrenching story on THIS Web site that was put up after Kara disappeared.
There is another rally & fund-raiser in July. Here is the information on that posted on the above Web site:
Kara Kopetsky Poker Run, 10 a.m. to noon July 28,
sponsored by Blue Springs Harley-Davidson.
The ride begins at Guicho's, 110 Cunningham Parkway, next to Blockbuster in Belton.
All-day activities include a bake sale, car wash and raffles.
For info, call the Harley dealership, 816-224-5005.
The Captain's prayers continue for Kara's family and friends....