Covering MetroRegion Kansas City, Missouri and The American Central States ...
FIRST in Kansas City with Breaking News - Weather and Commentary.
*** A Kansas-born, Missouri and world-bred "Social Libertarian." Fighting the battle of the people's rights: To know vs. the government's tendency to conceal.
Truth- Justice- and- well- you-know-the-rest ***
Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Kansas City MetroRegion Overnight News and Weather Report - Saturday, March 29, 2008
The shooting was in the Bunker Hill trailer park. Police had no other information.
** House Under Construction Burns In Warrensburg-MO **
It took Warrensburg firefighters until 3am to put the fire out- but no injuries were reported. An investigation as to the cause was underway.


Friday, March 28, 2008
Bloggers Banning Bloggers
This USUALLY happens when a blogger cannot defend their selling points with anything but FAUX News selling points and a reader tears them new bodily orifices.
First off- I'm not a "liberal" but a pragmatic. If it looks dumb- talks dumb and acts same- that thing usually is what it is- DUMB.
Nuff said about Shrub and virtually EVERYTHING he's done since he's been in office.
Oops- better ban ME TOO- you non-thinking- Shrub-supporting sheeple- before I find YOUR blog!
Question 07-08
The stock market's on it's way to it's third losing session in as many days- two of those days were double-digit losses.
Will the Feds keep pumping billions of OUR DOLLARS into these money-changer institutions to keep them afloat?
Who PAYS US BACK if these same institutions default on those "loans?"
The older I get- the more incredible the stupidity....
Thursday, March 27, 2008
KANSAS CITY MetroRegion WEATHER: More Rain Forecasted
And not just more rain- but heavy rains are forecasted by medium-range forecast models for the next 2 weeks.
As you can see by this image (click to enlarge)-

Rainfall totals during that 5-day period Friday through next Tuesday range from 2-inches locally to 3-4-inches over areas of Missouri and Arkansas that are still cleaning up from devastating flooding.
Some of those previous flooded areas could again see castastrophic flooding.
Be aware- and pre-plan now.
Updates on this potentially disasterous situation will be forthcoming....
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Site For Live TV News Feeds
A fellow storm stalker turned me on to the following Website HERE (http://www.livenewscameras.com/)- where you can click on and watch live satellite news feeds from the location listed.
WDAF FOX-4 is the lone local representative on the list.
Kansas Museum Has Severe Weather Exhibit
Kansas museum unveils foul weather exhibit
By JOHN HANNA, Associated Press Writer Sat Mar 22, 4:00 AM ET
TOPEKA, Kan. - After a year in which Kansas endured destructive ice storms, killer tornadoes and severe flooding, it seemed the state history museum carefully timed the opening of an exhibit on extreme weather.
But organizers say the timing is a coincidence, because they have been working on the "Forces of Nature" exhibit for more than a year.
"Weather is a huge part of our identity," said Rebecca Martin, project manager for the exhibit, which opened Friday at the Kansas Museum of History. "People around the world will forever associate us with a really famous tornado in 'The Wizard of Oz.'"
The Kansas State Historical Society is using the exhibit to collect Kansans' recollections of memorable storms. The society set up a small booth with a microphone and computer, so that visitors can tell and
record their stories.
"We often think - let's admit it - that other residents of other states are really wimps, right? That we really know how to survive weather here," said Jennie Chinn, the society's executive director. "We all have our family folklore that revolves around weather."
The exhibit displays photos of power lines and utility poles sagging under the weight of ice from the winter of 2006-07 next to a photo from an 1886 blizzard.
Photos from a night of tornadoes in May 2007 that leveled most of Greensburg in southwest Kansas and killed at least 13 people hang next to images from a twister that left 16 dead in Topeka in 1966. Debris from both also are on display.
The museum built a mock storm shelter just inside the doors to the exhibit, with film footage from a 2004 tornado in south-central Kansas playing just beyond it.
For Rosette Randel, the exhibit stirred up memories of watching a tornado as a college student and having a twister roar by her house in the 1990s. She recalled that the tornado lifted her home off the basement just enough that she could see a bit of light.
"We grabbed the dogs and went to the basement," she said. "We really didn't have a storm shelter. We were in the corner of the basement."
The exhibit also highlights major floods along the Kansas River in 1903 and 1951, as well as severe dust storms in the 1930s. One display addresses prairie fires.
Martin said work on the exhibit began early in 2007. Researchers examined a variety of historical sources to cull Kansans' recollections of extreme weather.
"There are tons of diaries and reminiscences, letters, about living through prairie fires and trying to fight them," she said. "There are so many resources."
But the exhibit's opening - and a preview Thursday evening - came with sunny skies and mild temperatures.
"I think it's ironic that we're opening an exhibit on extreme weather on a day that's so picture-perfect," Chinn said.
The exhibit will run through Jan. 4, 2009.
On the Net:
Site for the exhibit: http://www.kshs.org/exhibits/current/nature.htm
Kansas State Historical Society: http://www.kshs.org
Monday, March 24, 2008
The ban is a stupid- unAmerican ban of a legal product.
UnAmerican- as in telling business owners what legal products they can and can't use in their places of business.
Why not the SIMPLE posting- on the entrances of said businesses- TELLING YOU whether this is an establishment that either allows or disallows the ingestion of a legal product on it's premises???
If you're so concerned for my health- why not lobby with your passion for AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE for instance.
This idocasy- PLUS the politicos wanting me to vote for a BUS tax after squashing the voter's desires on light rail with no CLUE for an alternative plan.
Vote- or the socialists will make EVERYTHING (posting on your own BLOG for instance) illegal..
Iraq "Undetermined Cause" War Dead Drives Toll Well Over 4000
If you've followed Iraq- "Bush's Folly" like I have- you find deaths from war causes are surprisingly categorized.
Being there for The Follies and getting killed does not necessarily mean you'd be counted as war dead- as discovered by the parents of James McDonald of Wisconsin.
Young McDonald died of head injuries after an Iraqi bomb blast- but the U.S. military lists his death as "undetermined" cause- according to this Associated Press story.
I did then and more so now thought the leaders who PUT us in Iraq were brain-dead- but I guess I should reclassify my theory to "undetermined" lack of brain cells used to kill 4000+ Americans in this ON-GOING (forever) nation-building and so-wrong exercise in world futility/stupidity from the Shrub Administration....
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Old Photos Showed Flaw In Collapsed Minneapolis I-35 Bridge
The AP says that investigators are looking at photos taken in the years prior to the multi-fatal freeway bridge collapse in Minneapolis-MN last summer.
The photos reportedly show a bowing in the plates on the bridge that failed- although no serious attempts to correct the problem were ever carried out.
What good is it to take pictures if you don't LOOK at them???
First Known Atlanta-GA Tornado Victim Found
The body of a male was found under a pile of debris from the tornado in downtown Atlanta-GA on Saturday- according to the Associated Press and other news sources.

The March 14 tornado injured 27 other people in it's 6-mile path- striking 2 arenas filled with thousands of basketball spectators-

Workers clearing piles of brick debris from a damaged building such as in the image

The Kansas City MetroRegion Overnight News and Weather Report - Saturday, March 23, 2008
*** At least 2 vehicles crashed and one caught fire early Sunday morning on northbound I-35 and North Antioch.
A Claycomo-MO EMS unit who happened upon the scene shortly after the 12:58am dispatch found a male lying in the roadway- reportedly after being ejected from one of the wrecked vehicles.
This fellow's in critical condition they say.
This and another male in his mid-20's in serious to critical condition were taken to 2 area trauma centers while KC-MO police began their investigation.


A woman rescued by firefighters from a burning duplex is medically dead at an area trauma center this Easter morning.
Tornado Strikes Monroe LA With Confirmed Injuries
The tornado struck around noon on Easter Sunday. There is considerable damage repo rted in that northeastern Louisiana city of around 5000...

Today is the 40th anniversary of the (E) F-3 tornado that struck the Kansas City suburb of Pleasant Hill MO.. The following is a re-post o...
... The Tornado Outbreak Of MAY 4, 1977 ... A tornado outbreak in the Kansas City Metro area not experienced for a dozen years prior an...