Ok- Rush- I have to mellow out on you now since you've been reading this blog and see the logic.
Covering MetroRegion Kansas City, Missouri and The American Central States ...
FIRST in Kansas City with Breaking News - Weather and Commentary.
*** A Kansas-born, Missouri and world-bred "Social Libertarian." Fighting the battle of the people's rights: To know vs. the government's tendency to conceal.
Truth- Justice- and- well- you-know-the-rest ***
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Ok- Rush- I have to mellow out on you now since you've been reading this blog and see the logic.
KSHB-NBC41- Captain Spaulding's World Scoop Other News Stations
NBC41 has 'Mr. News'- so they got the exclusive story of the people thrown from their boats on Smithville Lake late last night when an unexpected thundertorm gust front struck their craft- capsizing them and throwing 7 people into the water.
At least 4 were taken to North KC Hospital with non life-threatening injuries.
Remember- a lone wolf with his only job being to listen to 18 scanning radios that can receive broadcasts for a radius of 50-miles can trump a multi-million dollar TV news operation most EVERY time- even while their newscasts are still on the air!
Working in TV broadcast news is a dream of dedication to me- like when I became a firefighter.
As a member of the 'free press'- my mantra is 'an informed people are a knowlegable people'- and I take that job willfully- truthfully and DAMN seriously.
PS: Yes- this is shameless self-promotion- but if a person does not 'toot their own horn'- who else will do it for you? Work hard and be proud of yourself and what you do- whatever it is.
Illinois Man Found Shot With Wife And 3 Children Did It Says Cops
First- the guy found shot in the leg with his wife and 3 children found dead in a S.U.V. last week WASN'T a suspect.
Now- Christopher Vaughn- 32- HAS been charged with the murders of wife 34-year-old Kimberly Vaughn and children- Abigayle- 12- Cassandra- 11- and Blake- 8.
Afghan President Says Afghani Lives "Not Cheap"
And- after almost 6 years since 9-11 and thousands of American and 'Free World' troops dead- we STILL have not found Osama Bin Laden....
Seven More American Soldiers Died Today In Iraq
How many more deaths are acceptable before people wake up to the fact Dubya got us into another Vietnam?
Support our troops- get them the HELL out of harm's way....
Body Of Missing Ohio Woman Found
D.C. Judge Agrees Administration On Slippery Slope
Indulge me- while I add Royce Lamberth- a judge's comments about what I clearly see as an erosion of American citizen rights (no doubt this man is an old-school Republicrat): "We have to understand you can fight the war (on terrorism) and lose everything if you have no civil liberties left when you get through fighting the war," said Lamberth, who was appointed by President Reagan. (Italics mine)
Click on this for the rest of the article- and Happy Saturday folks.
The Kansas City MetroRegion Overnight News and Weather Report - Saturday, June 23, 2007
It was around 3:45 am- when apparently a car pulled up in front of a house in the 3200 block of College and opened fire. And- reportedly- those at the house under siege returned fire.
From the College scene- MAST-EMS transported 2 males with gunshot wounds. One was shot 5 times according to paramedics enroute to the city's public trauma center- that "22-year-old male" was in critical condition. The 2nd victim was shot in the arm- fracturing the bone- and was in serious condition.
Only suspect information heard was they were in a maroon-colored sedan.
A short time later- shots are fired into an occupied vehicle at 63rd Street and Prospect. One female occupant receives minor injuries.
Then the suspect vehicle is found around 1 am by police- unoccupied- with "an AK-47" nearby- at 58th Street and Brooklyn. The male suspect was not located.
Around 1:40 am- a man reported he was shot in the foot by the occupant of a passing car in the 2500 block of Rochester. His wound was not life-threatening.
... That's the latest word from police after a call at 2:32 am to the 300 block of South 11th Street.
... No other details other than it happened around 2:50 am in the 1500 block of West College. Two AMR-EMS units were sent for "not life-threatening" injuries- but there are no further details.
... Early in the Midnight Hour the call came in for a house on fire on North 38th Street and Montadon Lane.
Showers and thunderstorms moved southward through the Kansas City MetroRegion late Friday night and early Saturday morning.
No reports of any severe weather besides that boat accident on Smithville Lake Friday night. Near old Bannister Mall in southeast-central KC-MO- 1.4-inches of rain has been measured since midnight here at the NewsCenter.
Only scattered light showers remain at sunup with light winds and temperatures in the 60's.
More scattered showers and storms are expected to develop with the daytime heating in the MetroRegion this afternoon into this evening.
Deadly cloud to ground lightning- very heavy rain and small hail will be the main threats in the heavier thunderstorms.
________________________________First with Metro Kansas City Breaking News - NBC41 ACTION NEWS.
Friday, June 22, 2007
KANSAS CITY'S BREAKING NEWS: Boats Overturned By High Winds At Smithville Lake

The dispatch also says other boaters were assisting "5-10 people out of the water" and that "one injured has been taken by boat" to a marina at Smithville Lake.
More as received....
At 10:51 pm- Smithville-EMS is enroute to the Little Platte boat ramp on Smithville Lake for a "person on the shoreline with cuts on the arm and going in and out of consciousness."
At 10:45pm- it was reported "2 people were out of the water on the rocks but one person was still in the water."
At 11:04 pm- MAST-EMS is enroute mutual aid on "multiple victims- possibly 10 patients under the W-Highway bridge"- from high winds that overturned 4 boats on Smithville Lake around 10:25 pm Friday night.
Heavy storms there now have prevented a medical helicopter from responding.
Overland Park-KS Police WIll Give Out Kelsey Smith Case Reward Money After All
Reporting "exclusive" information- the OP Police says "one or several" of the tipsters on Kelsey's murder suspect will get or split the reward fund.
This is excellent news and I salute the OP-KS Police Department's reversal.
Extreme northwestern Platte and northern Clay counties Missouri are affected.

The primary threat still appears to be cloud to ground lightning- very heavy rains and possible nickel-sized or less hail in the stronger storms.
No NWS-SPC severe weather watches are in effect for the Kansas City MetroRegion.
KANSAS CITY'S WEATHER: Line Of Storms Approaching From North

Gusty winds will precede frequent lightning- heavy rain and small hail in the stronger thunderstorms as they push south into northern Metro KC by 10:30-11 pm..
There are currently no severe weather watches in the KC Metroregion.
Charleston-SC Memorial Service For 9 Fallen Firefighters
Overland Park Police Won't Hand Out Any Reward Money In Kelsey Smith Case
Even though several people called in and identified the suspect on store surveillance videos- for whatever reasons OP Police do not consider those tips rewarding apparently.
What will be interesting is if another case like this comes up and citizens REMEMBER this.
Citizen Letter From The Mayor: Welcome to Funk's Front Porch- III
22 June 2007
Dear Folks,
We've had a slower "news" week this week. Which is good, because the really great things that did happen around city hall last week, one of them being the formal promotion of Gary White into the position of City Auditor, were completely overshadowed. Gary has worked in the Auditor's office even longer than Funk had and was the obvious choice to succeed Funk. Not only does Gary know City government backward and forward, but he was also trained at the feet (size 16's) of an internationally recognized government auditor, who now goes by the name of Mayor Funkhouser. Councilwoman Deb Hermann worked hard to make Gary's position official and we really appreciated that. Gary is the first African American city auditor in Kansas City and we are very lucky to have him.
This week the Council voted to extend a moratorium to keep new "pay day" lending companies from opening in Kansas City until September 30th. This gives the Council time to travel to Jefferson City to lobby for placing much needed restrictions on predatory lending companies. Councilwoman Jan Marcason became an honorary City Auditor this week for being the one to uncover the fact that the original moratorium was about to expire and for making sure that the Council was aware of the problem in time to act.
Funk has decided not to accept the free use of the hybrid car. While most of his supporters saw the use of the car as a non-issue, the media's constant attention was slowing our office from doing the work that is really important to us: providing clean, safe neighborhoods in a city that works for regular folks. So, for probably the next eight years, Funk will continue to drive his little red Toyota around town. I just hope the floorboard doesn't rot out on this one like it did the last one that he drove.
The Mayor's office is getting ready to have a dishwasher installed. We found it odd that Funk was admonished for not driving dignitaries around in a luxury vehicle, yet on a daily basis, we are red in the face to be serving those same dignitaries water out of plastic bottles and coffee out of Styrofoam cups. Luckily, an abundance of donations came in to our campaign fund account, after Funk was elected Mayor, so there is enough money to donate the dishwasher and real plates, cups and glasses to the Mayor's office from that fund. We will be using no City money to enhance the Mayor's office in this way, yet we'll be saving the City money in the long run and thankfully, we'll look a little more dignified when serving the many guests who frequent the Mayor's office.
With that, we hope you have a great first week of summer.
You can respond to this newsletter either at funksfrontporch@gmail.com or at mayor@kcmo.org.
All the best,
Gloria & Mark
Military Officer Says Guantanamo Hearings Were "Flawed"
According to this Army officer who was directly involved in Gitmo detainee cases- that apparently is not a problem. Just make something up as you go along I guess.
Geez- is it al Qaida we have to worry about or our own government?
The End Is Near: Italian Chefs Debate Garlic
More garlic on my linguini please....
Prosecutor Shamed In Bogus Duke Lacrosse Team Case
The prosecutor that purposely ruined the lives of the young men on the Duke University lacrosse team- Mike Nifong- deserves every bad thing that comes his way because of it.
Could it be our jails and prisons have more people inside unjustly accused of their crimes than we thought possible?
Naw- can't happen HERE....
Baby Found In Ohio Not That Of Missing North Canton Woman
More than 1800 searchers went out yesterday looking for traces of the missing woman without any results.
Girl Loses Her Feet On KY Six-Flags Ride
Somehow- a 13-year-old girl had her feet chopped off at the ankles on the ride Thursday at the Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom near Louisville.
The Cedar Fair Entertainment Co.- owner of Six Flags- has shut down all similar rides at all it's parks until further notice.

The automatic alarm came in around 2:20am to the building and a pumper- truck company and a battalion chief responded.
WHen they arrived and made it to the 3rd-floor- they found "heavy smoke" and requested more fire companies at 2:26 am..
There are at least 9 fire companies- a 3-alarm equivalent- there at this time.
As of 2:52 am- a fire in a 3rd-floor apartment- unoccupied- is out- but evacuations of residents on at least 4 floors of the 6-story building continue.
A MAST-EMS unit just requested a 2nd unit.
Update on this and a possible shooting in Kansas City South when available....
State Lawsuits Would Be Tossed If Dubya Has His Way
Would Jesus Have Marched With Them- Gay Pride Parade In Jerusalem
Still I have to think based on what I've read about the guy- and NOT because he was gay- He would have been one of the police-estimated 2500 gay activists who ran cheering through The Holy City on the First Day of Summer- 2007.
Japan Changes Iwo Jima To Iwo To Because Of Clint Eastwood
Not all are happy with the name change however and I'm not sure I understand either.
Warning Western U.S.: Tainted Onions
Here are the details from the article:
"The onions were sold to consumers in 10-ounce bags labeled with the Trader Joe's brand name in Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington. The onions were also sold to food service companies in 20-pound cartons labeled as Gills Onions Brand and Sysco Natural Brand.
All the packages are printed with a best-if-used-by date of "06/16/07" and a lot number "2017-R."
Details: by phone at 800-348-2255 or 209-669-9625."
KANSAS CITY'S WEATHER: NWS-SPC- "Slight Risk" Of Severe Storms Later Today North

This outlook is updated several times during the day- so check the SPC link above- in here or your favorite weather info place for updates- especially later today.
Paul Potts: The Beginning
This is the original performance that got Paul into the final- click YouTube.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Gunman Surrenders In Illinois Standoff
Virginia Tech Killer "Just Said No"
If only Cho had toked one and put on some great jamz....
Austin-TX Police Fumble With "Man Killed By Crowd" Story
Constitutionality Of Warrantless Wiretaps Was Debated
What Tony- and the rest of our government NEEDS to remember and realize is that THEY WORK FOR US!!!
AMERICA IS A GOVERNMENT BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE- and that the Constitution and The Bill of Rights are not some juvenile scribblings.
Americans are losing their rights set forth by America's forefathers. In that regard- the terrorists have already won that battle.
If we don't get rid of ALL these boneheads sitting over us in D.C.- we might as well hand America over to the terrorists- no true American will want to stay here.
Summer Solstice Day In Stonehenge

As the late-great Nat 'King' Cole used to sing: "Roll out those lazy- hazy- crazy days of summer- you'll wish that summer could always be here...."
Five-Acre Lake In Chile Disappears

Dubya Administration Changes Passport Rules- Again
NOW you won't need a passport or apparently a receipt that you applied for one to travel by air or land to Canada- Mexico- the Caribbean and Bermuda.
All this after-
1) you HAD to have a passport to fly from these areas back to the U.S.-
2) Then you had to have a receipt that you APPLIED for a passport- and now
3) all you need is what you needed before to go to the above places- a birth certificate and a valid photo ID.
Can this Administration do ANYTHING right???
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Amazing Paul Potts
The performance was by an unseemly-looking British fellow named Paul Potts on Britain's Got Talent- the programme America ripped-off our version from.
I don't usually care for opera- but this guy blew the judges- the audience and me- away.
More On Man Killed By Crowd In Austin-TX
Current Middle-Eastern News In A Glance
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - A roadside bomb killed three Canadian soldiers Wednesday in a southern Afghan province where separate clashes left 21 suspected Taliban militants dead, officials said.
Also in Kandahar province, police lost control of the remote Ghorak district to the militants hours after retaking a neighboring district, said Esmatullah Alizai, the provincial police chief.
The commander of U.S. ground forces, Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno, said the campaign seeks to uproot insurgents - including Sunni factions linked to al-Qaida - in areas north and east of Baghdad and allow Iraqi forces to take greater control over the four-month-old effort to restore control of the capital.
At the same time, Israel allowed in a few sick and wounded Palestinians who had been holed up for days at a fetid border passage with Gaza.
More Problems At Walter Reed Medical Center
No one was injured.
Austin-TX Crowd Kills Car's Passenger After Child Struck
Two to three-thousand people were "in the area" when a driver struck a child. The crowd got angry and when the passenger in the car that struck the child tried to protect the vehicle's driver- he was killed by people in that crowd.
The child's injuries were reported as "not life-threatening."
United Airlines Computer Glitch Grounds Flights
Due to a computer glitch- none of United's departures went anywhere from 8 am to 10 am this morning.
It's back up now and will probably take all day to sort out the delayed flights.
Naked Couple Die After Fall From Roof in Columbia-SC
It seems a man & a woman in their 20's was found naked and dead this morning in Columbia-SC after they apparently tumbled 50-feet off a roof police think they were having sex on.
The ultimate compromising position.
American Military Could See Tours Extended
Bush and his cronies have totally messed-up Iraq and if you are trapped in his military there is no way out.
America Doesn't Need Another King
Now New York City's Mayor "I Can Afford The Bronx" Bloomberg has shed off his Republicrat shackles and indicates HE want to rule over us next year.
Just what America needs- another rich guy to pad things for his cronies.
Bush To Veto Stem Cell Bill
Is there a way the American people can veto Bush?
Former WalMart Employee Wins $2-Million Lawsuit
A female pharmacist recently won a $2-million sex discrimination suit against WalMart- who ACTUALLY fired her for wanting as much PAY as her male counterparts.
WalMart had fired the lady over other- bogus reasons. No word if the mega-Commie-retailer will appeal.
Seriously- I'd kill myself before I'd work at WalMart.
Medical Marijuana Bill Vetoed In Connecticut
No wonder people have so little regard for law when our law makers- who do not have to take or pass pre-employment drug screens to rule us- don't even give American adults the freedom to decide for themselves.
Golfer's Shot Sets The Course On Fire
Authorities Checking If Infant Found That Of Missing Ohio Woman
DNA tests are being performed to see if this is the missing woman's child- a girl- who apparently was in good condition at a local hospital.
Driver In Selmer-TN Crash Had Prior D.U.I. Conviction
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
KANSAS CITY'S NEWS: Drowning Victim Found In Lee's Summit
The young man reportedly went under while swimming with another male about 4 pm and rescue crews had been searching the lake since.
Movie 'Groundhog's Day' Could Be Renamed 'Iraq'
San Antonio-TX Police Gets Big DUH
If you have to explain what a spark does around vapors of gasoline - methinks these people are too damn STUPID to be cops!
KANSAS CITY'S BREAKING NEWS: KC-MO Fire Assisting Raytown On House Fire

With heavy smoke coming from the house- Raytown called on the KC-MO Fire Department for help.
The fire sounds like it's been knocked down as of this post- and there have been no reports of injuries- "the homeowner says the house is unoccupied" at 3:44 pm..
A fire investigator has been requested to determine a cause of the fire.
Ex-Cop Gives Pot Tips
Like I said before regarding immigration and the absolute stupidity of American drug laws: If the U.S. government gives people in this country illegally amnesty- then every drug user arrested and imprisoned solely for usage or personal possession of a substance they are freely putting into their OWN BODY- should be given amnesty as well.
And that's all I have to say about that....
The Names Of The Nine Fallen Charleston-SC Firefighters
Somebody's Going To Die- Not Enough Ambulances On KC-MO Streets
Even 3 MAST employees have agreed with me on that point.

I never log more than 15 in-service units at any given time on weekend mornings- do the math- that's one unit in service per 30,000 residents of their about 450,000 person service area.
Two area cities with around 30,000 residents- Raytown and Grandview for example- have AT LEAST 2 in-service paramedic units- or 1 for every 15,000 residents.
Quite often- MAST has to rely on ambulances from other agencies to run calls in KC-MO..
If you use the rule-of-thumb that there SHOULD be one ambulance for every 15,000 residents- then MAST should have no fewer than 30 ambulances in-service at any given time.
Kansas City-MO residents are served by half that number of paramedic units.
The STAR wasn't interested in this fact when I brought it to their attention- as an employee- in the mid-1990's.
I think the matter is too important to keep secret.
Another Cruise Ship Less One Passenger
Princess International said a 24-year-old man was missing off their ship the Freedom of the Seas somewhere near Bahama.
The ship turned around to look for him- but he wasn't found. The Freedom of the Seas resumed their cruise while Coast Guard vessels continue the search.
Groucho's First Annual Reader Rant
Whatever bugs you and however mad you are about it- click VOICE YOUR OPINION below and let us all know (who knows- you may find a lot of folks agree with you).
No censorship- no kidding!
Hilary Clinton: "We Need A President That Stands Up For The American People."
Mayor- Didn't You Read My Letter?
The car's a good thing Mayor- but the brand-name ain't.
I tried to offer my pittance of advice regarding the mayorial car in this open letter- which was posted here and emailed to you.
I wish you had taken that advice and saved yourself more than half of the ensuing controversey.
Thugs Burgle- Vandalize My Alma Mater
Police say 3 people dressed in black broke into the school at 111th Street & Blue Ridge before dawn Monday morning- spray-painting walls and windows and stealing office equipment.
It's hard enough getting our children a GOOD education - if you have ANY information on these thugs call 474-TIPS.
Poor In NYC To Get Cash For Doing Right
Maybe we all quit our jobs and move to New York City- where Mayor "I Can Afford To Make A Down Payment On This Town" Bloomberg announced this new program.
"Poor residents will be rewarded for good behavior - like $300 for doing well on school tests, $150 for holding a job and $200 for visiting the doctor - under an experimental anti-poverty program that city officials detailed Monday" the AP article says.
Now- if the rich act irresponsibly- is money taken from them?
You're Going To Cut My Whaaaattt? (U.S. Circumcision Rate Drops)
What do you lady readers prefer: cut- uncut- or How Dare Me-None Of My Effing Business! ?
Indiana Teen Dead After Shooting Two Cops
A 15-year-old boy reportedly opened fire on 2 police officers who had arrived at his home on a disturbance call. One of the officers died- the other's in critical condition.
The 15-year-old was later found dead- but cops aren't saying if police bullets killed him yet.
Current Middle-Eastern News In A Glance
The troops, under cover of attack helicopters, killed at least 22 insurgents in the offensive, the U.S. military said.
The thunderous explosion at the Khillani mosque in the capital's commercial area of Sinak sent smoke billowing over concrete buildings, nearly a week after a bombing brought down the twin minarets of a revered Shiite shrine in the northern city of Samarra and two days after officials lifted a curfew aimed at preventing retaliatory violence from that attack.

Gunfire erupted shortly after the blast, which police said occurred in a parking lot near the mosque, causing the outer wall and a building just inside it to crumble.
Police and hospital officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they feared retribution, said at least 75 people were killed and 204 were wounded, adding that the toll could rise as bodies were pulled from the debris.
Taliban fighters seized Miya Nishin district in Kandahar province late Monday, provincial police chief Esmatullah Alizai said. Authorities were planning to retake the remote area.
In neighboring Uruzgan province's Chora district - home to more than 100,000 people - fighting continued between NATO and Afghan forces and militants who attacked police posts in the province's main town on Saturday. Some officials reported dozens of civilian casualties.
"It has been a contested area for some number of months," NATO spokesman Maj. John Thomas said. "(The Taliban) are making an effort right now to establish control in that area," he said, predicting more fighting in coming days.
"There's reason to believe that the situation on the ground is still unstable," he said.
Precise casualty figures were not available but two Afghan officials said more than 100 people had been killed, including at least 16 police. A Dutch soldier also died, and three others were wounded.
Nine Charleston-SC Firefighters Die In Warehouse Fire
The nine who perished were inside fighting the fire when the roof collapsed on them.

This former fireman asks all to remember these brave souls with a moment of silent reflection today.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Missing North Canton-OH Woman Was Nine Months Pregnant
The "woman vanished from her home, leaving behind broken furniture, a pool of bleach on the floor and just one witness - a 2-year-old son who told police, "Mommy's crying ... Mommy's in the rug."
Investigators would not elaborate on the meaning of the child's statement, but a bed comforter was missing from Jessie Davis' home.

Authorities said Monday they had no suspects in the disappearance of Davis, 26, who is nine months pregnant."
Mother Of Two Dead Teens In Selmer-TN Dragster Crash Wants Answers
Ms. Griswell wants to know why her 2 daughters- Nicole- 19, and Raven- 15- died when the vehicle- driven by Australian racecar driver Troy Critchley- was going so fast during what was supposed to be brief- tire-burnoffs of drag race cars.
New information has surfaced as well- police did run the course prior to the accident trying to keep people back- but many moved closer when the exhibition began moments later.
North Texas Flash-Floods Kill 4
In addition to the little girl who drowned in Haltom City reported here- a grandmother and her 2 granddaughters were swept away with their mobile home in Gainesville.

Another woman drowned in Sherman, TX - about 70 miles northwest of Dallas- when her car was swept away.
KANSAS CITY'S WEATHER: No Watch But Heavy Thunderstorms Around
So far- no watch or even indications of a weather watch being issued for the KC MetroRegion.

Thunderstorms with very heavy rain and possibly small hail were in the southwest and southern parts of the KC Metro right now- and will continue over the Metro- with the main threat being torrential rain.
Little Girl Drowned In DFW MetroPlex Storms
WFAA-TV's Web site is reporting a 4-year-old girl torn from her mother's arms in Haltom City-TX when flash-floodwaters swept through the mobile home park they lived in Monday morning. That little girl's body was found in the past 45 minutes.

Mostly northwestern and northern portions of the Dallas-Fort Worth area were deluged with up to 6-inches of rain overnight.
"Substantial Property Damage" Reported In Overnight Dallas-Ft. Worth MetroPlex Flash-Flooding
There is no information regarding any injuries on this breaking story.
Police Not A-Breast Of New York Law Costs NYC $29000
KANSAS CITY'S WEATHER: NWS-SPC: Slight Risk Of Severe Thunderstorms In The KC MetroRegion

Check here or your weather source for MetroRegion weather updates.
Current Middle-Eastern News In A Glance
More than 100 others were injured in the fighting in Amarah, located 200 miles southeast of the capital, the officials said..
WASHINGTON (AP) - Stabilizing Iraq could take as long as a decade, says the U.S. commander in Baghdad. "In fact, typically, I think historically, counterinsurgency operations have gone at least nine or 10 years," Gen. David Petraeus said Sunday. "The question is, of course, at what level."
Father's Day For One Is Talking Of Son Killed On 9-11
Mr. Ielpi lost one of his sons- Jonathan- when Godless people struck America on September 11, 2001.
Lee Ielpi now runs the WTC Tribute Center- next to FDNY's Station 10- and talks to people virtually daily about the sacrifices his son- and others who died made when a total of 220-stories of buildings came down around them.
Please Vote For Perry Wing - American Hero
Also my dear readers so I know you're out there- go to http://www.hosstheboss.com/cgi-bin/currentcontest.shtml and give Perry's band your vote in the June- March, February and January 2007 monthly contests.
Groucho and I'm sure Perry- a great Human Being (trust me on this) - thanks you.
American Dead In Iraq Above 3,500
Their populations are 3,526 people- The same number of Americans who have died so far in Iraq.
With no end or solution is sight- one only wonders what the final number will be.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Death Toll At 6 In Selmer, TN Dragster Crash
The death toll is now at 6 after a dragster got rolling during a demo tire burn-off- lost control and spun into an unprotected crowd Saturday afternoon during a benefit for children.
A tragic incident- and my heart goes out to the town and victim's family & friends.
AP: Big Oil Puts Refinery Expansions On Hold
Even more ominous though is this ethanol craze.
There is no increase- but a decrease in gas mileage using ethanol in your vehicle today.
Unless engine technologies improve- this is not the answer to our oil dependancy given the resources it takes to grow corn.
Don't count on Oil King Dubya to do anything either.
The Kansas City MetroRegion Overnight News and Weather Report - Sunday, June 17, 2007
>>> Two people were in a car that crashed around 2:20 am Sunday morning on northbound I-35 at Lamar.
It took until 2:46 am to extricate the driver and 2:49 am the passenger from the heavily damaged car that rolled over more than once and landed off the roadway.
The driver is said to be an approximately 21-year-old male- who suffered head- limb and other injuries and was in critical condition. There was also the odor of alcohol on the man.
The passenger had leg and other injuries but their condition appeared to be less-serious. Both were taken to the same Metro trauma center.
... At 3:20 am- a woman in her 20's was thrown from her motor scooter after it was intentionally struck from behind by another vehicle.
She was taken from the 63rd Street and Brookside Boulevard crime scene with serious injuries to a city trauma center.
Police give witness accounts that the woman was on her orange and white scooter when it was struck from behind by a large- blue-colored car- possibly a Chevy Caprice.
The woman was thrown from the scooter- then a passenger in the blue car- a black male- got out- picked up the fallen scooter and rode off on it- eastbound on 63rd Street. The driver in the blue car- also a black male- then drove south on Brookside. It wasn't known if there were others in the blue car.
Police are not the only people who want these two suspects of vehicular assault- theft and leaving the scene of an accident among other pending charges.
Clear skies and calm winds prevailed overnight. Like Saturday morning- skies were hazy-clear- winds light with MetroRegion temperatures ranging from the mid-60's to lower 70's at dawn.
Another summerlike Fathers Day with temperatures around 90 with humidity getting into the uncomforatble range.
Rain is in the upcoming week's picture with showers & thunderstorms possible in the MetroRegion Monday into early Tuesday.
________________________________First with Metro Kansas City Breaking News - NBC41 ACTION NEWS.
Current Middle-Eastern News In A Glance
The police academy bus was carrying several police recruits when the bomb went off inside it, leaving several dead, said Zalmai Khan, the deputy police chief of Kabul province. At least 35 people were also wounded.
The thunderous explosion was heard throughout central Kabul at about 8:10 a.m. local time.
Iraq - BAGHDAD (AP) - Security forces in Baghdad have full control in only 40 percent of the city five months into the pacification campaign, a top American general said Saturday as U.S. troops began an offensive against two al-Qaida strongholds on the capital's southern outskirts.
Tornado Strikes Monroe LA With Confirmed Injuries
The tornado struck around noon on Easter Sunday. There is considerable damage repo rted in that northeastern Louisiana city of around 5000...

Today is the 40th anniversary of the (E) F-3 tornado that struck the Kansas City suburb of Pleasant Hill MO.. The following is a re-post o...
... The Tornado Outbreak Of MAY 4, 1977 ... A tornado outbreak in the Kansas City Metro area not experienced for a dozen years prior an...