**PRE-DAWN FIRE DAMAGES LEE'S SUMMIT FOUR-PLEX- BUT THE PEOPLE GET OUT OKAY**The fire broke out in the garage of one of the units in the 3500 block of Northeast Independence Avenue just before 5:15 am..
When the first Lee's Summit police officer arrived minutes later, he reported "flames and 2 cars in the garage" with the fire spreading. He initially could not find the occupants of that unit nor one other in the 4-plex, but all had escaped uninjured.
The flames were put out by 5:50 am with fire, smoke and/or water damage to at least three of the the four attached units. The fire was believed started by one of the cars in the garage.
A house pet did die in the fire but there were no other casualties.
**AT LEAST THREE MALES SHOT IN THE KC METRO OVERNIGHT** > Two of the victims were in Kansas City, Mo.: Around 12:15 am Sunday morning, a male was found shot in the chest just south of former-Mayor Cleaver's church at 56th St. & The Paseo. Police could get no suspect info from the victim.
> Another shooting victim- police say his injuries were "serious"- was a "walk-in" to the E-R of a local hospital just after 5 am. There wasn't any more information on this incident.
> The 3rd victim (or 2nd chronologically) was in Independence, MO just before 12:30 am - "a drive-by" shooting at "23rd St. & Scott. AMR-EMS service reported the victim "was a male shot in the leg." There's no other info on this incident yet either.
*ARGENTINE AREA OF KC-KS IN THE DARK*An electrical transformer blew in the area of 33rd St. and Strong around 2:30 am Sunday morning, sending a several square-mile area into darkness.
It's not known when electrical service was restoreD to the area.
* OVERNIGHT WEATHER *Rain that turned to snow moved into the KC Metro around midnight. Precipitation amounts were generally under 1/4-inch Metro-wide.
Temperatures remained just above freezing all night - falling from the lower-40's at midnight to a degree or two above freezing at dawn.
West winds gusting to the low-30-m.p.h.-range made temperatures feel more like the lower 20's by dawn.
Another strong storm system will affect the KC MetroRegion later this week - probably bringing in March like a lion.
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