Funk's Front Porch
07 September 2007 Dear Folks,
This week’s city news:
The big news this week is that the Economic Development policy passed 12-0. This is a monumental victory for Kansas Citians for many reasons. There has never been a policy in place before with clear directives concerning economic growth; more importantly, the policy ensures that the economically disadvantaged areas of the city will now get their fair share of the pie.
This was one of the major tenants that Funk campaigned on, getting TIF under control, especially for the benefit of the regular folks of our city. Funk was told many things by various “consultants” about developing this policy. First, the talk was that a diverse group of people would not be able to come to agreement regarding how a policy should be written. Then the talk was that he couldn’t appoint a diverse group of regular folks to come up with a policy that had any teeth to it. Finally, even if he could get a diverse group of people to realize that they had similar values, the Council would never approve the policy. It heartens us to know that if you work towards the good of the whole, good things will happen. Since all of those hurdles have been jumped successfully, we can begin to work on improving the areas of the city that need it the most.
Many thanks go to the Council as a whole for the long hours that they put in on this important project and for supporting the policy as written. Deep appreciation goes to Deb Hermann for her work in ensuring its passage. Your council members put in more hours in a week than you probably realize.
Funk went to Seattle earlier this week on a trip planned by the Chamber of Commerce to learn what makes that city hip and cool. The trip went very well, although I was a little distressed thinking about the plane ride. I’m Italian enough to have had my imagination working overtime about the “what ifs.” Mostly, what would happen to the city if the plane went down, as it was carrying 120 of our top officials? But it didn’t go down. Instead, a lot of reinforcement for Funk’s own beliefs came from the trip. The first being the benefit of light rail, especially regarding the economic boom that occurred in Seattle with the passage of light rail. And second, the role that having a top notch University plays in having a thriving city.
Funk continues to try to find a solution regarding Frances Semler’s appointment to the Parks Board. He’s gone so far as to offer to travel anywhere in the United States to meet with the National head of La Raza, Janet Muguira, and her board to try to resolve this issue. Funk feels that an open and ongoing dialogue is imperative toward finding solutions to problems. So this is what he is continuing to try to do.
On a more personal note:
Our son Andrew is recovering from his bout of mono. He is well enough now that his teenage maleness is getting on my nerves again. I know you Mother’s of teens will know what I speak of. Sadly for all of us though, is that he cannot finish this semester as his advisors say that he’s missed too much class time to be able to catch up. Such is life.
Until next week,
In faith,
Gloria & Mark
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The Mayor’s top ten priorities:
1. Establishing a good working relationship with the Council
2. Getting the City’s finances in order
3. Making downtown work
4. Tending to our neighborhoods
5. Implementing the Housing Policy task force recommendations
6. Improving the perception and the reality of public education in Kansas City
7. Reducing Crime
8. Repairing our sewer systems
9. Establishing an excellent regional transit system, which includes light rail
10. Improving citizen satisfaction with City services.