It's the second violent death at the Isle of Capri casino in the past several months.
The call was dispatched at 12:28 am Saturday morning with both police and MAST-EMS saying "a man being chased by (casino) security jumped into (a) moat." Authorities at the scene would not confirmed that piece of information to news sources.
The male- later described by a MAST paramedic as in "his mid-20's" - disappeared under the surface of the reported "15-foot deep" moat that Missouri casinos are required to float on.
Lee's Summit Underwater Recovery divers were called to the scene by KC-MO Fire and the man's body - "in full cardiac arrest"- was pulled from the water at 1:30 am..
He was taken to a nearby trauma center where he was soon pronounced dead.
An investigation of this incident is underway by the Missouri Highway Patrol Gaming Commission arm.
Several months ago, a shooting at this casino left one woman dead and another man seriously injured.
A 37-year-old man suffered only a fractured leg after being accidentally dumped from the dumpster he was sleeping in into a trash truck.
The call came in at 2:38 am to Independence Avenue and Wabash in near-Northeast KC, Mo..
The man was not extricated from the trash truck's compactor until 3:11 am and he was whisked to a nearby trauma center.
*LEE'S SUMMIT and HARRISONVILLE police are investigating deaths in their cities early Saturday
There are no immediate indications of foul play in the 3:09 am LS-MO call in the 300 block of S.W. Delmar.
The 4:35 am call to the 2400 block of Leawood in HARRISONVILLE involved "a 2-week-old."
*JACKSON COUNTY- BLUE SPRINGS & GRAIN VALLEY, MO. law enforcement agencies are investigating an early morning disturbance at the "Whiskey Tango" tavern.
As many as 5 people may have been injured- at least two were transported to medical facilities - one in critical condition and by medical helicopter.
*KC-KS firefighters quelched a vacant house fire in the 3000 block of North 21st Street. No injuries in the call that went out at 1:42 am and was under investigation.
Clear skies, pleasant temperatures and light southerly winds prevailed into dawn Saturday morning.
A warm day is in store with temperatures around the 80-degree mark today with brisk south breezes.
Severe thunderstorms and their nastiness will erupt a couple of hundred miles west & southwest of the KC Metro today.
Severe storms look possible for the KC MetroRegion Sunday and again Tuesday and/or Wednesday.
