It was the same rationale given by those unelected "officials" of the Federal Reserve as the reason for bailing out America's Wall Street: "If THEY (the rich) fail- we all fail."
So it's in that spirit of largess and I guess Christmas gift-giving that America's Federal Reserve is spending more billions to bail out select European financial institutions to avoid a total financial meltdown there.
This bailout is disguised as "a loan" with virtually no interest due.
Here we are- trillions in debt (to China) and WE have the wherewithal to bail out Europe.
You would never believe a motion picture made about this stuff that's really happening nor would you hear much about it in American news media.
Covering MetroRegion Kansas City, Missouri and The American Central States ...
FIRST in Kansas City with Breaking News - Weather and Commentary.
*** A Kansas-born, Missouri and world-bred "Social Libertarian." Fighting the battle of the people's rights: To know vs. the government's tendency to conceal.
Truth- Justice- and- well- you-know-the-rest ***
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