Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Houston-TX Hospital Guard Tasers Father Holding Newborn

A new father wanted to take his newborn home- and gets Tasered by a guard at the hospital.

The man and his newborn both tumbled to the floor- the child reportedly suffering head injuries in the process.

I hope 1) Moron Barney Fife gets fired and NEVER works ANY type of security job again and 2) the father sues the hospital's ass off....


Anonymous said...

I've seen this frequently. A lot of private security guards have all these neato tools and want ot use them. In many cases, it's because of a lack of either training or confidence in handling the situation using other methods like verbal or physical restraint.

It's pretty rare that PD will mace or taze somebody. They just go hands-on with the individual. Private security people, however, are not so willing to do this.

Groucho K. Marx said...

I think it's those people on a power trip in positions of authority.

I too used to be one of private cop crowd- which gave me unpleasant insights into the world of "law enforcement."

Glad that's over- bullshit for chump change it was.

Tornado Strikes Monroe LA With Confirmed Injuries

The tornado struck around noon on Easter Sunday. There is considerable damage repo rted in that northeastern Louisiana city of around 5000...